March 12, 2005

My life as The Queen of the Whole Damn Liberrrrry!

So I've made it through my first 2 weeks as a bona fide blogger. Cool. I know I've said this before but the last thing I ever expected when I started this blog was that people would actually read it!

It's one thing to have your friends pop in every month or so and give you the obligatory "pat on the back" but these freaks just keep coming back! WOW! And what makes it especially wonderful is that these are people I love dearly but don't get to see very often for geographical reasons. What makes it absolutely the best part of my day is when my old and new friends are all in the "same room", kibitzing with one another just like old times. It does my heart good, dear friends. Thank you for coming. I wish I could offer you a cappuccino and some Girl Scout cookies so you'd stay longer! ;-)

The other thing that has been a very unexpected and happy surprise is having people I don't know read it. Because you're all bloggers, you'll understand how I feel when I see your comments. It just tickles me Elmo!

I also wanted to say that I feel bad that while I've read your blogs, I've not made my presence known except occasionally. When my life slows down (hopefully in the next month or so) I'll have more time to play. Since starting this thing, I've hardly even made it to my old cyber haunts like IMAO. (I's almost as shameful as admitting you voted for Kerry.) When I do get over there, the only posts I read are Harvey's just so I can see how naughty he's being. ;-)

On a slightly different note, another thing I didn't expect was the pressure. It was only a matter of hours before I realized that this blogging thing could become all-consuming in just a blink of the eye if allowed to happen. By nature, I'm a pleaser--I like making people happy and so when I know people are hitting that refresh button, or wandering over with a coffee cup in hand each morning, I hate to disappoint you with nothing, or worse, a piece-of-crap post. In fact, there was one post that I am very tempted to delete because it was such an effort. I was trying to be funny and I didn't feel funny at the time but I wanted you to have I tried. I made a decision afterwards that I'm not going to try that hard ever again. When I started this, I had it in my mind that I would post when I felt inspired to do so. Some days you just feel the need to put your thoughts in writing, and other days, you're just blank.

Something I'm still mulling around is the question, "How personal do I want to get here?" Some people just let it all hang out on their blogs. You get the good, the bad and the ugly. But aside from flaunting the fact that I'm a silly snark, I'm generally cautious about who knows what about me in "the real world" (I hate that term!). Still...some things aren't all that personal, I just wonder if you'd be interested.

Which leads me to another thought: Some people will never exhaust their ability to post because they can be funny about the most random stuff. I have no idea how some of you keep pumping out the funny! I'm truly impressed.

And yet another disjointed thought: Do all of you other bloggers have people in your life that don't know you have a blog and you'd deny it if ever accused? The reason I ask is because I realize that there are only a handful of friends/family/co-workers/etc., that I would want reading this. Maybe it's because I want the freedom to talk about them without getting caught! ha!

Anyway, I know this was a bit rambly...I'm just trying to get my relationship with this blog figured out. I'm sure I'll find a groove that works for all of us. Til then...thanks for stopping by and saying hi. It means so very much.

Posted by PamCHBF at March 12, 2005 05:23 PM
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