October 31, 2005

When Words Are Worth Nothing

I read an article that resonated within the deepest part of my being and at the risk of being more "container than content", I wanted to pass it on to my fellow bloggers and friends.

A little excerpt:

"...we end up running on and on and on; running to find some new something to inspire us again. But we don't realize that we, ourselves, get used up in the process of our running. So used up, in fact, that we eventually find that we're more container than content, a nice facade with very little underneath."

As bloggers I think one of the greatest dangers we face is feeling as though we need to keep talking even when we have nothing relevant to say. Like the man on the stage who used up his 20 minutes worth of material 30 minutes ago, we babble on trying to entertain the crowd because what the crowd wants is more more MORE! Sometimes, it's just time to be silent and allow ourselves to be filled back up again.

So if you're feeling like the dancing bear who desperately needs to stop, I hope you find the courage to do so. I hope you'll revel in your own silence and allow yourself to be filled once again.

Posted by PamCHBF at October 31, 2005 12:44 PM | TrackBack

Wow. I've been following your advice and I didn't even know it. That's like, weird or something.

Now when people harrass me for not blogging I'll just say "Pam told me not to". Hehe.


Posted by: Jim at November 1, 2005 05:31 AM

Say... are you telling me to shut up? :-)

Posted by: Harvey at November 1, 2005 06:29 PM

hehehe....dorks. :-P

Posted by: Pam at November 2, 2005 05:20 PM

... are you kidding?... my blog is all about having "nothing to say".. heh ehh...

Posted by: Eric at November 8, 2005 04:12 PM
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