September 02, 2005

Exhausted Ramblings...

So i've been trying to post for days and have had no luck. Then a friend asked me an hour ago, "Are you still working on your blog?" I ask, "Why?" and that's when she tells me i have NUMEROUS multiple posts on it. Damn thing wouldn't let me post for days, now it's gone crazy! So i went to delete all my multiple and now irrelevant posts and they just stayed and stayed. After much work, they've disappeared but now my blog is naked and I don't have the mental energy to do anything about it because, frankly, I'm just tired. I go from crying to ranting to fretting and back to crying over Katrina. Like a horrid train wreck, I know I should turn away if only for my own mental well-being but I just can't. Story after story, picture after picture, each one completely rips my heart out. And when I'm not sad, I'm angry and frustrated. I know help is slow in coming, I know these people are desperate but somebody tell me HOW you mobilize forces to deal with something of this magnitude in a matter of hours. The logistics are a nightmare; the ability to communication is spotty, at best, but for some, it's too little too late. It is a tragedy of epic proportions.

As horrible as the hurricane's affect has been, NOTHING compares to the barbarous actions of those who would prey upon THEIR OWN PEOPLE when they are most vulnerable. We look at Katrina in all her destructive power and understand that nature cannot be stopped so we resolve to go be strong and to rebuild. But when-with horror and disgust-we watch this cannibalism, it eats away at our respect for mankind and weakens our hopefulness and that leads us to despair.

And so I force myself to remember-and encourage you to do the same-that no matter what the MSM wants you to believe, all is not is on the way...our Redeemer draweth nigh.

Hold on, good people, to your faith in mankind, your belief in America's courage and bravery and the goodness of God. Help IS on the way.

Posted by PamCHBF at September 2, 2005 01:07 PM | TrackBack

Me, I'm just gonna drink heavily & wait for the numbness to kick in.

It's like watching a horror movie in slow motion.

Posted by: Harvey at September 3, 2005 11:58 AM

You're right about the logistical nightmare... People don't stop to think about that. They just want someone to blame, and in many cases, to simply use it as a political football (as you and I have discussed by email).

Think about the logistics here. Suppose Gov't(s) had been more "proactive" and had shipped food and water and medicine down there, in advance of the hurricane. IT WILL ALL JUST GET RUINED WHEN THE HURRICANE HITS! And then you'll have that much less food, water, and medicine to ship them when they really need it. You just have to wait it out and then help as fast as you can.

For those looking for someone to blame, here's a hint. Her name is MOTHER NATURE.

Posted by: Jeff at September 11, 2005 04:42 AM
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