March 02, 2005

10 Things I Hate...

1. I hate condescending people. Nothing will bring out the B in me more than arrogant people. A person who thinks they are exempt from the rules of social etiquette had better stay away from me. I will gladly adjust their thinking.

2. I hate waiting. For anything. It's my worst trait.

3. I hate looking for things. When I was a kid, I thought I wanted to be an archeologist but when I grew older and realized I hated hunting for the scissors that were never put away, the keys that fell between the sofa cushions, the sunglasses on top of my head, I decided this might not be a good match. [Edit: so I became a mother instead. Now I do it for free. ha!]

4. I hate Napoleon Dynamite. I told my sons they are forbidden to own it. If I ever see it in my home, I will burn it, no questions asked.

5. I hate when my husband takes the last of the coffee. I have been known to leave scathing messages on his voice mail when he's committed such an egregious act. That'll teach him.

6. I hate being late. My husband always makes me late. I still love him, though.

7. I hate Tom Cruise for reasons stated in 1.

8. I hate cleaning out the refrigerator. I'd rather chuck the entire fridge and get a new one I hate it so much.

9. I hate hurting people's feelings. Unless you're condescending, then I don't mind.

10. I hate oompa-loompas. They're just so creepy.

Posted by PamCHBF at March 2, 2005 07:22 AM
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