March 09, 2005

I need to rant. Can I rant for a second or two?

I pulled up to a stop light yesterday and there was this big SUV right in front of me. This thing must have cost at least 40k which led me to wonder:

Why-oh-why, good person, would you spend that much money on a vehicle only to deface it with no less than TEN bumperstickers and window decals?

Now, I have to confess that I've never understood the need to use your car as a means to state your convictions or to showcase your spectacular wit but this was just beyond stupid. If you're going to use your vehicle as a traveling billboard, put something original on it, for crying out loud! How many things can Calvin pee on before it's just not funny anymore?

There was also the ever popular "My child was student of the month at Blah Blah Blah School" which makes me wanna pull up to the driver and yell, "Yeah? Well my child was inmate of the month at Folsom Prison, lady. Beat that!"

To add insult to injury, there was that always wise, and I should add, theologically sound, "Don't drive faster than your angel can fly!" piece of advice. Thanks, pal, I'll keep that in mind when I finally make it around you because you think a 50mph zone really means 35.

And of course, what would a montage of clever sayings be without the mother of all them all?

"Christian's aren't perfect, just forgiven".

Kill. Me. Now.

Please understand, I don't mean to be nasty to God-fearing believers, but, why? Why do people feel the need to share their faith in such a trite manner as though God can be reduced to a simple one-liner? Somehow, I think we're missing the point.

And that goes the same [Edit: make that double! No TRIPLE!] for all the tree-hugging, tibet-freeing, whale-kissing, give-peace-a-chance people out there. Do me a favor, people. Drive. Just drive. All I ask of you is that you get that ugly hybrid of a car up to speed and out of my way.

While all of these are nothing more than annoying, I get furious when I see those that are sexually explicit or have profanity. Is there no decency in this world anymore? Do people not realize there are children reading this garbage? There was a time when society, as a whole, guarded our children-because it was right, but it's not that way anymore and it just brings out the latent urge to take a baseball bat to a few cars. Anyone wanna join me?

Posted by PamCHBF at March 9, 2005 06:16 AM
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