March 23, 2005

Israelis with Lasers?

I realize I've been out of the current events loop lately but this story is news to me:

We all saw the steady deterioration of a sick and struggling Yasser Arafat (search) in his final weeks. But one Palestinian official insists Arafat did not die from his illnesses and that he was actually killed by two Israelis who used a high-tech laser as a weapon. Attalah Quiba, Palestinian ambassador to Sri Lanka (search), says the two unnamed men "tried to flee after using the [laser] device but were wrestled down by Palestinian Security personnel."

What's more, Quiba, quoted by the Malaysian National News Agency, says 16 countries tested Arafat’s blood, and they determined that Arafat had been poisoned by high technology. Quiba says he was with Arafat a few days before he died, and "He was in good health and good spirits."

I would expect the veracity of this statement to be called into question, but in the end, all that matters is that he's dead. Thankfully.

Posted by PamCHBF at March 23, 2005 09:41 AM
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