March 30, 2005

And THIS Is Why I Love My Husband SO Much!

I had this email waiting for me this afternoon:

Hay you onederful woman! Its grate to here that yore dad is doing well.(Aren't synomyms fun?)....But about your back :( Don't overdo it, you may need that backbone later.

Yesterday was fun. Jan (edit: carpool chick) said she would pick up Natedog, even though Robbie (her son) didn't go to school, so it was a much appreciated help. Until I got a call...

[Nate]: "Hi dad, I'm in the office [happy, chipper little voice]. Mrs. Hecky didn't show up to pick me up".

(Did I mention I was inside a meeting room on a live telecon with Lockheed-Martin at the time I got the call?) =O.

"OK little Buddy, let me find out what's going on and I'll call you right back."

"That's OK dad, I'll call her. I know her number."

"OK, but call me right back after you find out where she is, if she's coming,..."

[Spencer]: "Dad, do you know where Nate is, Mrs. Hecky called to find where he is?"

[Nate]: "She's not home, Dad."

"OK, stay in the office and wait to see if you just missed each other. I'll call you right back in just a minute."

Lockheed-Martin: "So, those requirements for radial center of gravity will need to be ....blah, blah...."

"Hi Dad, I'm on my way home now. Mrs. Hecky was looking in the front of the building, and I was in the back, but we finally saw each other."

[Whispering away from the table in the meeting room]: "That's great Little Buddy. I'm glad everything worked out. I'll call you in a few minutes at home."

[Lockheed-Martin]: " isn't that right?" "Uhm,...yes." (What did I say 'yes' to just now?)

So, everything ended happily ever after. I was actually quite peaceful throughout the entire episode. Such is life.. See all you're missing! Write when you can. Love you.

Posted by PamCHBF at March 30, 2005 04:08 PM
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