Lord Vader Beckons...
Well it seems Jim's campaign to get me to turn to the "dark side" is beginning to have its desired affect.
So here's the deal, Jim: I will gladly turn to the dark side under these conditions:
- I do nothing; you do everything.
- I get to keep my happybadfun template because it makes me happy.
- I will not be required to wear a black mask or speak into a fan, "Luuuuke....I am your faaaather...." or go to munuvian conventions.
- I get to retain my "perkiness".
- All technical difficulties will be referred to you. That includes user issues, as well.
- I get to increase my readership by no less than 1539%.
If you can agree to these terms, then, Jim....you got yourself a new munuvian blogger!!!
Posted by PamCHBF at April 28, 2005 08:22 AM